How well your employees perform at the workplace and how productive your team is are heavily dependent on the manager. A manager who is smart, efficient and visionary can be a driving force of change and inspiration – helping your institution or business to reach new heights. While how well you manage people and, how good you are with leadership and inter-personal skills, are quite subjective to be analyzed, there are some essential characteristics that one would expect from an efficient manager.
Identify strengths and weaknessesA smart manager understands that each employee is different – and that they have their own strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, a smart manager has the ability to understand what these strengths and weaknesses are, and utilize them for the advantage of the company/workplace. For an example, if you know that a particular individual has strong communication skills, but is extremely bad with numbers, then it is quite redundant to allocate accounting responsibilities to this individual. Instead, it is better and would prove more effective to put the said individual in a position of marketing or public outreach.
Be prepared for emergenciesThere is nothing that disrupts the image of a good manager, than a manager that runs around the office like a banshee owing to stress and emergencies. Especially during a time of an emergency, the employees expect the manager to display strong leadership qualities. They will look up to you, and you need to be able to advise them and/ or find effective solutions with a clear head. While some emergencies cannot be avoided or anticipated, there are many such problems that can be dealt with quite easily, provided you are prepared. For an example, if some important files get erased, or the PCs get wiped out, then you can easily call the computer data recovery guys to set things in order. Data recovery Sydney at can even be easily managed if you have purchased any of the special software that can be used for this purpose, in advance.
Makes the owners fell importantOne of the biggest mistakes that is often see among managers is that they do not make the employees feel as if they are part of the team. In the eyes of the employees, the higher authorities make the decisions, and when the employees deliver them successfully – no credit given to them either. This results in the employees being demotivated, as they are made to feel exploited and of no much value. However, a smart manager knows the benefits of keeping the employees for network unlocking. It not only makes them feel as if they are part of a large family, but this will also motivate better performance, as they will now know that their contributions matter. Getting the inputs of the employees into decision making processes at the work place can also help the business, since in most cases, employees are better aware about problems faced on ground.
Smart Manager Tips