As we look around us we observe that the world now is not what it was a decade ago and not what it will be in the next ten years. This change is called the evolution or advancement and man has become totally dependent on it. Mans dependence keeps growing day by day with the increase in the advancements in science and technology. Science and technology hand in hand has improved every walk in life and has made our lives much easier. But we can also look at the other side of the wall and take note to the ways this advancements could be misused. We could see a lot of lives been lost due t some inventions and now we just opened a Pandora’s Box and there is no turning back. The consequences such as global warming and increase in the number of murders and weaponry are all due to the abuse of this advancement. But all in all the pros outweigh the cons and so once again man takes technology and science to a whole new level.
In the field of technology
Technology is a very vast field and now it is a field of demand and many young students are pursuing in this pathway. Technology has come about all thanks to the advances happening in both the engineering sector and the sector of applied sciences. Mobile phone, laptops and machinery are all useful to mankind and they are been developed every year for the betterment of man life. Faster and more reliable machines are being made but now the looking into the darker side, a lot of people are going to lose jobs because machines will be replacing labourers.
A decade ago the laptops invented were not durable for a long period of time and needed laptop repairs in St Kilda quite often.
Laptop repairs cost a ton so people around the globe were finding for a better repairing solution. But now scientists have opened the doors and they invented more durable and efficient laptops such as Apple, hp and DELL. Even among these famous brands they make newer better models with the newest software.
Laptops are not the only things that have fallen victim to the evolution of science and technology. Mobile phones are the most common and a new phone never fails to hit the market. Phones have now evolved so much so that we can possible do anything and everything using it. From shopping to e-banking and many more other software included like jelly bean and lollipop.